16 November 2020
Primasia guest speaker at ‘The Road to China & Hong Kong – Learn from Business people on the ground’

From being the factory for the rest of the world and the place to be for gather resources China has become more and more of a interesting and attractive place to sell for both goods and services to not only consumers but companies and other third party entities alike. However, due to the ever-changing ordinance for rules and regulations many had sought out an alternative of locating to Hong Kong due to its business-friendly economy, simple tax system and strategic based geographic advantage. This has made Hong Kong an excellent alternative option for current business in Asia but as a way towards the future using Hong Kong as a steppingstone into the Chinese market.
In light of this, On the 13th of November 2020 Primasia’s John Barclay had to pleasure of joining a coalition of other business leaders and entrepreneurs who have had many years of experience and understanding of Hong Kong and mainland China as a speaker in SwedCham’s webinar for companies interested in learning more about Hong Kong and China’s Business market. The aim of this webinar is to ‘take a closer look’ at the business incorporation, relocation of sales, marketing and product development in Mainland China and Hong Kong.
Many thanks to the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (SwedCham) for inviting us to be a part of this webinar helping other businesses and SMEs in our ever growing community. Another big thank you to the other practitioners from Aventura Group, Bamboo, Current Consulting, Frost Ltd, House Hunters, Norman Global Logistics, Pear & Carrot and Viral Access for sharing their knowledge to not only to the attendees but with John and the rest of us at Primasia too. Below was the agenda for the webinar:
- Company establishment and relocation
- Selling to Hong Kong and China
- Marketing, design and production
- Q&A with breakout rooms
Primasia Corporate Services is a Hong Kong based corporate services provider that has been supporting its clients in Asia for over three decades. Among several of our services, Primasia Hong Kong (Primasia) offers our clients Online Accounting services, China Company Incorporation services, Virtual CFO services, MPF Filing services, Profit tax filing services, Employment return filing services, Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise (WOFE) incorporation and registration services etc. One of our services which we are proud to be offering our clientele is our investment visa and working visa Hong Kong services.
Connect with Primasia Corporate Services Limited
Hong Kong Headquarters: Suite 1106-08, 11/F., Tai Yau Building, No. 181 Johnston Road,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Website: https://primasia.hk/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/primasia-corporate-services-limited-pcs-
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PrimasiaCorporateServicesLimited/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrimasiaHK
Overview: From being the factory for the rest of the world and the place to be for gather resources China has become more and more of a interesting and attractive place to sell for both goods and services to not only consumers but companies and other third party entities alike. However, due to the ever-changing …